With the inclusion of two netball courts as part of the newly developed Max Amber Sportsfield, the opportunity arose to establish a netball club under the Athelstone Football Club banner. In 2022 the Athelstone Football Netball Club (AFNC) was established. The long- term plan is to field teams of all ages and skill levels.
The team will wear the royal blue and white the Athelstone football Club is known for.
The netball club marked an exciting milestone during the 2024/25 Summer season, debuting two senior teams in the Eastern Districts Netball Association (EDNA) Monday night competition at Emery Road, Campbelltown.
As numbers and interest increases the Club will look to field more team.
The currently EDNA season and age group details are:
Summer Season
Commences in October – March (terms 1 & 4 of school)
Age Competition (7-14 year olds) played on Friday evenings with the youngest starting at 5.30pm and the last game played at 9.10pm.
Senior (13 years & over) competition is played on Monday nights at 7pm, 8pm & 9pm.
Winter Season
Commences April- September (terms 2 & 3 of school)
Age Competition (7 -14 year olds) played on Saturdays with the younger games starting at 11am and games continuing through out the day on the hour with the older children starting the last game at 3pm.
Senior (13 years & over) competition is played on Monday nights at 7pm, 8pm & 9pm.
Matches are played irrespective of weather conditions. The Association will only cancel matches if it is considered to be dangerous to the health & safety of the players.
More details can be found on the EDNA website https://www.ednetball.com.au/about/