Junior Football Program



The Athelstone ‘Raggies’ Junior Football Program is a part of the Athelstone Football Club (The Club) which was established in 1904 by a group of local market gardeners who donned hessian bags as Guernsey’s, which is why we are called the ‘Raggies’. The Club strives to provide a safe and fun environment for children to play Australian Rules Football with friends, and develop their skills.


A stand-alone committee operates the Junior Football Program in accordance with the Club's constitution.

The Junior Football Committee Chairperson is a member of the Club’s Management Committee (by appointment) to act as a conduit between the Club and the Junior Football Program. The Junior Football Program prides itself on operating as ‘One Club/One Community’.

The Club is an affiliated member of the SANFL Juniors and participates in the SANFL Juniors Football League. The Club is required to adhere to the rules and regulations of the SANFL. The Club aims to give all children the opportunity to play for our club regardless of gender, skill level or prior experience. Everyone is welcome at the ‘Raggies’, unless a team is full.


  • Respect each other regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • Respect our history, the club is over 110 years old!
  • Respect the umpires and officials, they are there to make it possible for you and your child to play the game.
  • Respect the other team, including their ground and facilities.
  • No swearing tolerated from players, coaches, officials, or parents on or off the field.
  • Be proud of the Club, act as an Ambassador for the Club.
  • Effort = Reward.


The volunteers in the committee understand this is children’s sport and aim to provide the Junior Football Program with a transparent and consistent structure.

All serving committee members are required to have current Working with Children’s Checks registered with the SANFL through PlayHQ each season. The committee meet once per month throughout the year.


Ideally, the committee will consist of a representative from each age group to represent the entire community. Please contact a member of the junior football committee  if you are interested in joining the committee or wish to undertake any other voluntary role within the Club. The Club understands, and respects, that people have different skills and availability, and seek to accommodate an individual’s specific circumstances.


The Club is aware that personal circumstances change, and as such succession planning is a key consideration of the Junior Football Committee to allow for smooth transitions.  The Junior Football Committee Secretary  holds a copy of key role descriptions, which are available for viewing by interested individuals.


As a thank you for their efforts, any current and future serving members of the Junior Football Committee may elect to receive an annual Club Membership (valid for the first year serving on the committee). This membership entitles them to discounts within the Club, including Bistro meals. If a Junior Committee member fails to attend two consecutive Junior Football Committee meetings without a valid reason, the membership is forfeited.



Please use the following link at PlayHQ to register a child, or parent volunteers for the 2023 season. A levy is payable at the time of registration for each player which is imposed as a community football levy by the SANFL.

While we do our best to accommodate everyone who wants to play for the ‘Raggies’, there are strict team number limits set by SANFL and we must take a ‘first come first served’ approach.

For insurance reasons, a child cannot play or train if they are not registered.


Season 2023 player fees:

•  Under 7 to under 13 – $240 (or $140 with SA Government sports voucher).

•  Under 14 to under 15 – $260 (or $160 with SA Government sports voucher).

•  Under 16 to under 17.5 – $260.

Fees must be paid, or a payment plan negotiated with the Junior Football Committee Treasurer, prior to Round One. Failure to comply with this will result in that player being ineligible for selection until payment arrangements are finalised.

Fees can be paid at time of registration, or by bank transfer:

Bank: Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 065145
Account Number: 10101280
Reference: Player surname and age group (e.g. Smith U12)


Players Transferring From Another Club

The transfer window does not open until 1st February 2024. If a child is looking to join the ‘Raggies’, and they have played at another Club, regardless of location, league or State; please email the Junior Football Committee Registrar  with the child’s full name, date of birth, Club and League for which they last played. This will enable a place to be reserved on the relevant team.

Code of Behaviour

Parents/guardians registering a child as a player with the Club through the PlayHQ system were provided with the Code of Behaviour  and have acknowledged that they have read and understood this Code of Behaviour by agreeing to Terms and Conditions. Therefore, all parents/guardians of registered players are deemed to have read and understood this Code of Behaviours on behalf of themselves and their children.

List Sizes

The Club accepts having playing lists up to the maximum allowed by SANFL. Larger playing lists assist in case of injuries, unexpected absences, SANFL Development squad commitments, school football commitments, player welfare, and some players choosing other sports as they become older.


If teams have registered numbers greater than the allowable game day number, players will be rotated evenly throughout the regular season. The team manager will provide parents/guardians a planned roster by week four noting it is subject to change due to injuries etc. Even if a player is rostered off, they are requested to attend the match with playing kit in case a position becomes available.


In premiership grades for a final series:

  • In a three game final series – those players who are available for selection and rostered off in the Semi Final, cannot also be rostered off for a Preliminary Final. For a Grand Final, the Coach will select the best available team ; and
  • In a two game final series – those players who are available for selection and rostered off in the Semi Final, cannot also be rostered off in the Grand Final.

Non–selected players during the final series will be allocated game day roles to support the on-field players

Age Group/Playing Up

f a player is seeking to “play up” in a team outside their nominated age group for an entire season, an email is to be submitted to the Junior Football Coordinator with a completed SJ 15 Playing Up Exemption Form detailing all the reasons why an exemption is being sought. All decisions on age group eligibility remain with the Junior Football Committee and will be based not only the applicants reasoning and feedback from previous coaches, but registered squad sizes within the players actual and nominated age group. Players seeking to play up two age groups require SANFL approval.

Any approval granted is for one season only and does not automatically mean the player will be granted approval in the following season.

In non-premiership grades (U7-U11), players will play in their correct age group and exceptions may only be considered in extraordinary circumstances.


Primary – Max Amber Sportsfield: 150 George Street, Athelstone, SA 5075

Secondary – Foxfield Oval: 84 Maryvale Road, Athelstone SA 5075

Car parking is available at the grounds as well as on street parking surrounding the grounds.

Coaches and Team Managers

Coaches and Team Managers have a critical role within the Junior Football Program as they are the face of the Club and have a direct impact on players development and their enjoyment in playing Australian Rules Football.

All Coaches and Team Managers are required to have a Working with Children’s Check registered with the SANFL through PlayHQ  and adhere to all Club and SANFL policies. Additionally all Coaches are required to obtain a Level One Coaches accreditation and ‘Play by the Rules’ certification.

Coaches have been instructed that not all players will have the same intensity or passion for football, and their focus is on creating a fun environment in order to develop skills and positive character rather than an emphasis on winning.

As a thank you for their efforts, each season Coaches and Team Managers may elect to receive a ‘Raggies’ Merchandise voucher to the equivalent value of a ‘Raggies’ polo shirt.


In the event there is sufficient player registrations to allow for two or more teams in any particular age group, the following will occur:

Non-Premiership Grades:

  • Coaches from the previous season will band players into three broad groups based on ability and attitude at the completion of that season;
  • The following season if required players will be split seeking an even spread of ability across all teams; and
  • The final decision on each list rests with the Junior Committee Coordinator.

Premiership Grades:

  • Coaches from the previous season will band players into three broad groups based on ability and attitude at the completion of that season;
  • All players will commence and participate in preseason training together allowing adequate opportunity for players to demonstrate their ability and allow coaches and a selection panel the opportunity to make an informed decision;
  • If there is sufficient number of registrations for three teams, the second and third teams will have an even spread of ability; and
  • The final decision on each list rests with a three-person selection committee nominated by the Junior Football Committee.

Players and Parents/Guardians are reminded that it does not matter which team you play for you are still an important member of the ‘Raggies’. Further, playing in different teams provides opportunities to make new friends and gain exposure to different coaching techniques.



All Grades

  • Players must attend all training sessions or notify the Coach or Team Manager if you cannot attend;
  • Misbehaving at training will not be tolerated and may result in offending players missing games; and
  • Suitable football attire and mouthguards are compulsory for all training sessions.


These grades will run a set training program designed by independent industry experts designed to sequentially build players skills and confidence using a game-based approach whilst incorporating fundamental skills development. Successful training activities will see:

  • A minimum of a football to share between two players;
  • Each player has 60 touches of the ball every training session;
  • All players are engaged and having fun; and
  • There will be no laps, lines or lectures.

This will ensure there is a consistent approach to skills development and terminology across all teams regardless of our volunteer Coaches background. This will also support our Coaches by reducing their time commitment in the requirement for planning training sessions and guiding them on the current best practices for running age specific training sessions.


Coaches are provided a set training program that is built upon the program used by the junior grades. Coaches are strongly encouraged to follow this program.


The focus remains on creating a fun environment and conducting age appropriate skills development. Coaches are strongly encouraged to engage with their peers and research contemporary training methodologies with a focus on game based skills development activities.


Game Day Behaviours

The Club continues to foster a culture in relation to developing positive character within the players and ensuring they understand the correct way to conduct themselves when playing Australian Rules Football. To assist with this:

  • U7-U10: Coaches read out the bold section of the Club values in the huddle just before the bounce;
  • U11-U14: Game day Captain reads out/or reinforces the bold section of the Club values in the huddle just before the bounce; and
  • U15-U17.5: Game day Captain is encouraged to promote the Club’s values when addressing the group in the huddle.

If a Coach observes a player behaving in a manner contrary to the Clubs values on the field, the player will be bought to the sidelines for a short time. The player will be encouraged and given the opportunity to reflect on what has occurred before re-joining the game. Continued conduct contrary to the Clubs values will see the player sit out the remainder of the game.

Parents/Guardians and other spectators are an important part of fostering a positive attitude within our players and culture within the Club. To ensure they are a part of the game and there is consistency and transparency in game day messaging it is important they can also hear the Coaches on game day. To facilitate this:

  • U7-U10: Parents/Guardians can attend pre/during/post game addresses by the Coach on the field in line with SANFL guidelines;
  • U11-U15: Coaches will conduct all final pre/during/post game addresses within vicinity of the boundary line in order for parents/guardians to hear the coaches messages; and
  • U16-U17.5: location of Coaches address is at the Coaches’ discretion as the players are preparing for the transition to senior football but the Coach will consider appropriate feedback from parents/guardians in relation to the location of these addresses. Feedback is to be submitted through the Team Manager.

Spectators must not stand within:

  • 10 metres either side or behind the goal square at any time during the game, or
  • Within 5 metres of the coaches box.

The Team Manager and Team Captain are the only people allowed to approach the Umpire, before, during or after the game to raise a query. All queries or complaints regarding the game must be raised through the Team Manager.

Please remember that these rules are made for the protection and safety of all players and officials.



Player Rotation Policy

The on-field rotation of players is a policy developed to enhance the participation and skill development of all players. This policy is to ensure that all players feel an essential part of the team, regardless of their age, size, sex, ability or the competition they are playing in. Therefore, it is critical that they have an equal amount of time on the field during the season and ultimately, will keep players in the game and reduce the likelihood of them leaving to pursue other sports. It also satisfies parent/guardian expectations that their child will be given a fair go.

It is highly recommended that all coaches keep records of weekly game time of each player to ensure that all players have had equal time throughout the season.

Non-Premiership Grades

The rotation of all players through a variety of positions in a game and season is designed to allow players to experience the skills and roles required in different positions, and to ensure all players are provided with equal opportunity. Every player in a team should play at least ¾ of a game unless injured or there are behavioural concerns; and no player should spend more than half a game in any one position. Furthermore, every player should experience playing on each of the five lines of field positions over a three-match period

NOTE: Players should be rotated through a variety of positions on the field in each line, not straight up and down the “spine” or only on the left or on the right side of the field. Coaches and Team Managers must ensure that this policy is adopted and relates  to SANFL Juniors Competition Rules & Regulations (Section 2) – The Spirit of Junior Football.

Premiership Grades

Once children reach these age groups, the emphasis shifts from players rotating through all positions on the ground, to them gaining a level of competency in different positions. Every player in a team should play at least half a game unless injured or there are behavioural concerns. The difference is these age group players should be left in a position on the field until they have acquired that position’s basic strategies and skills. Only then should they move to a new position.

This policy has been adopted from the SANFL Juniors Competition program

Spirit of the Game

At the conclusion of the game players and coaches will gather on the ground to thank the opposition and umpires for the game.

Parent/Guardian Assistance

To ensure training and game days run smoothly and to ensure the players get the most out of their football, the Club requires the assistance of parents/guardians with a number of duties at training and games. The Team Manager will allocate these duties on a rotational basis to parents/guardians of all players.

The Canteen/BBQ is an important fundraising opportunity for the Club. Each team will be allocated one Sunday during the season to assist in its operation. Duties include cooking, serving customers, and cleaning the BBQ area at the end of the day. Team Managers will allocate a roster and everyone’s assistance is appreciated.

Seeking Fill in Players

If a team requires fill in players from another ‘Raggies’ team due to insufficient numbers the key principle is about numbers rather than targeting specific players and will follow the following process:

  • Team Managers at the beginning of the season will compile a list of players whose parents/guardians approve them filling in for team, including other age groups;
  • Team Managers are to ensure an SJ 15 Playing Up Exemption Form is completed for each parent/guardian approved player;
  • All requests are to be conducted Team Manager to Team Manager;
  • Players are to be lent on a rotational basis ensuring equal opportunity is given to all approved players;
  • Receiving Coaches will give a minimum of half a game to players filling in during the regular season. During finals, playing time will be at the Coaches’ discretion.

Player welfare is paramount. If a player is injured during a game team officials will initially assess them. Please note: parents/guardians are not to enter the field of play if they suspect their child is injured. Under no circumstances will team officials attempt to move any player from the field suspected to have a life threatening or serious injury (i.e. unconscious or suspected spinal injuries).

Team officials have a basic first aid kit to assist with minor bumps, scratches and abrasions. Anything requiring more attention than the resources available in the kit will be referred to the parent/guardian for further action.

Returning From Injury

Parents/Guardians are ultimately responsible to ensure the player has recovered from injury/illness and is fit to participate in training and games, and obtained relevant medical clearance if appropriate. Coaches or assistants are not to run separate ‘fitness tests’ on any player. If a Coach, Team Manager or Trainer has sufficient concern in relation to a player’s fitness to participate, they are to raise their concern with the Junior Football Coordinator.

The Junior Football Coordinator will make an assessment based on concerns raised by the team official, as well as feedback from the player and nominated Parent/Guardian. If the Junior Football Coordinator has concerns for the welfare of the player, they are to request a medical certificate to be produced clearing the player to participate. The player is not authorised to participate in training or games in these circumstances until a valid medical certificate is provided.


Player welfare is always the Clubs priority and as such, we follow the AFL standards and SANFL policy with respect to concussion management. If any player is suspected to have suffered a concussion there is an automatic one week rest period which can only be waived upon presentation of a valid medical certificate from a Doctor trained in sports medicine (i.e. SportsMed, the Wakefield Sporting Clinic or the Sports and Arthritis Clinic (SPARC)).

Communication/Grievance Policy

Under no circumstances should parents/guardians or players communicate directly with the SANFL or other clubs. This can result in fines against the club and sanctions against the player. Any party with a legitimate concern in relation to the competition, another Club, or any of our Club officials are to follow the Junior Football Program Communication Policy.

Social media used by the Junior Football Club adheres to the SANFL Juniors Cyber Safety and Social Media Policy.

Uniforms / Club Merchandise

All players will be issued a club owned playing Guernsey at the beginning of the season. An invoice will be issued for any Guernseys not returned following the last game of the season.

All players must wear club-approved shorts and socks that are available for purchase from the on-line store

All players are encouraged to wear club merchandise items to and from the ground, and during the warmup. Merchandise items are available from the on-line store.

All players are strongly encouraged to order uniform items with as much lead-time before Round One as possible in case of stock delays.

Transition to Seniors Football Program

All junior players are encouraged to continue playing Australian Rules Football with the ‘Raggies’ following their final season. To assist in promoting this ‘One Club/One Community’ emphasis and assist with the transition, the Club offers the following opportunities:

  • The AUSKICK program and non-premiership grades play an exhibition game at half- time of a ‘Raggies’ Senior home game;
  • U14-U17.5 players rotated through match day roles for ‘Raggies’ Senior home games;
  • U17.5 Guernsey presentation conducted by members of the ‘Raggies’ Senior Leadership Group; and
  • U17.5 players will be invited to participate in two regular season ‘Raggies’ Seniors training sessions.
Team Photographs

A professional photograph is taken of all teams during the season. Players must wear full Club playing uniform and Coaches and Team Mangers must wear Club merchandise tops. The cost for the photographs is inclusive with your registration fees.


Please ensure all personal property (e.g. jumpers and drink bottles) are clearly named, and all valuables are left either with a parent or at home. The Club strongly encourage players not to leave valuables (phones, expensive clothes etc.) in their bags or in change rooms, whether playing at home or away. The Club takes no responsibility for lost property.


Policy Review

At the completion of each season, the Junior Football Committee undertakes a comprehensive review of all relevant policy and information documents relevant to the Junior Football Program. If you have any constructive feedback or ideas on ways the program can be improved please contact a member of the Junior Football Committee.


Keep up to date with us on social media:


AFC Constitution
Concussion Policy
Social Media Policy
Life Membership Regulation
Member Protection Policy
Life Membership Nomination
AGM Committee Nomination


Copyright 2024 Athelstone Football Club. Website created by KOTN Media.